Burials and Memorials of the British in Bushire (Bushehr)

از آنجایی که انگلیسی ها سال ها در ایران و بوشهر (ابوشهر یا Bushire)
بوده اند پس تعدادی از آنها در این سرزمین فوت یا کشته شده اند. که از
داکیومنت زیر می توانید لیست اموات آنها را مشاهده کنید:
Burials and Memorials of the British in Persia
Author(s): Denis Wright
Source: Iran, Vol. 36 (1998), pp. 165-173
Published by: British Institute of Persian Studies
Bushire was the E.I.C.’s
Persian Gulf head quarters from 1778-1857 and, thereafter until 1946,
the seat of the British Resident for the Persian Gulf, a proconsular
figure appointed by the Government of British India.

There are three cemeteries in and close to Bushire where British were buried .
The Armenian Church of St. George:
A British visitor in 1966
reported seeing a number of British graves dating from 1856 in the
church’s graveyard and three wall tablets within the church
commemorating British officers who lost their lives in the 1856-57
Anglo-Persian war; however, Sir Anthony Parsons, who visited the
church ten years later, listed only the following headstones and
memorials: 16
John Amott . «Late Chief Engineer»
M. J. Bird of Sunderland, d. 14.10.1890 at Borazjan «in the service of the Persian Mining Corporation».
Matthew Coates of Belfast, d. 9.8.1871, aged 35, at sea of apoplexy. Commander of S. S. Mula.
Newcombe J. C. Edwards, d. 10.11.1893, aged 42.
John Ferguson of Greenock , d. 29.2.1869, aged 36. Chief Engineer, British India Steam Navigation Co.
Victoria Goolzad, d. 4.3.1916, aged 77.
Charles Arthur Grant, d. 24.9.1877, aged 7 months. Son of Major Charles Grant «officiating Political Resident».
Joseph Gregory, d. 17.5.1894.
Varkom Gregory, d. 22.7.1894, aged 43.
Caroline Hayward, d. 19.10.1905, aged 64. «Widow of Dr. William Hayward».
A. M.J. Lucas, d. 12.6.1906, aged 58.
Ripsima Lucas, d. 13.8.1898, aged 44. Wife of the above.
Lt.John MacLeod, d. 11.9.1823, aged 29. East India Co.’s Resident .
Mesail S. Malcolm, d. 17.7.1877, aged 32.
Sarah Malcolm, d. 29.11.1902.
Elizabeth Malcolm, born Bushire, d. 27.2.1909, aged 75. «relict of Arratoon Malcolm». 17
Seth Simon Nahapiet, d. 21.5.1878, aged 8 months .
Mary Frances Prideaux, d. 1.8.1877, aged 33. Wife of Lt. Col. W. F. Prideaux, Political Resident.
George F. Simpson of Charmouth, Dorset, d. 11.8.1898, aged 40, «on board SS Kilna at Bushire».
Lt. W. B. Warren and M. C. Utterson «of the XXth. Regiment Bombay N.l.. Died of wounds received at the storming of Fort ofBushire 9.12.1856».
Reshire (Rayshahr) Cemetery:
This British cemetery on the
west side of the Bushire peninsula was abandoned after the removal in
1963 to Tehran of the remains of those killed in World Wars I and II. A
visitor in 1966 found some thirty to forty graves, many unidentifiable,
dating from 1815. Another visitor in 1976 noted the remains of a
mutilated large marble plaque listing names and regiments of soldiers
killed in World War I.
Most of the fatal casualties
(less than 50?) suffered by Anglo-Indian forces during the six-months
Anglo Persian war of 185&-7 were buried in this cemetery; among
them, those killed at the storming of Reshire fort on 9 December 1856 (Brigadier Stopford, 64th Regt.; Col. Malet, Bombay Cavalry; Lts. Warren and Otterson, 20th Bombay Native Infantry); also Lt. Frankland of the 2nd European Light Infantry and eighteen others killed at the battle of Khosh-ab on 8 February 1857. General Stalker and Commodore Ethersey,
the army and naval commanders, who mys teriously committed suicide
within days of each other in March 1857, were also buried here. 18
General Stopford or General Outram Grave and His grave inscription in Bushire:

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